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Atomic Second Stage T-Tool

The Atomic Second Stage T-Tool is designed to accommodate three functions involved in the disassembly/assembly of the Atomic Ti 2 second stage. These three functions are illustrated to the right. · Figure #1: Access to the AFC (Automatic Flow Control) components is accomplished by removing the outer cover. The tabs on the T-Tool index with the slots in the AFC cover and allow it to be removed and installed easily. · Figure #2: The orifice installation end of the T-Tool is used to "preposition" the orifice at the "approximate location" within the inlet tube. This setting is not the final adjustment. The precise location of the orifice is set during final "air on" adjustment procedures. · Figure #3: The poppet alignment installation tool controls the rotation of the poppet so that it will mate properly with the demand lever. In order for the poppet to pass the lever tabs, the lever must be elevated to its highest point (slightly beyond vertical). Insert the poppet into the tool as shown in Figure #3. Align the reference flat on the tool with the lever flat machined into the air inlet tube. Insert the poppet into the air inlet tube until it is fully installed. Lower the lever and retract the tool.
Atomic Second Stage T-Tool
Price (USD): $32.50

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